Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The ongoing legacy of SCA

Resilience is a term bandied about a lot these days. Lots of people use the word but how many conservationists really  understand the professions/ instrumentalities which study it and have applied it to practical planning in the field ; The Soil Conservation Authority Victoria (SCA) was an organisation that did that.
 Its pioneering work on Land systems  were means of building concreteness and avoiding endless description and  never ending research.  It was first and foremost a leader in practical support for sustainable agricultural systems ; A pioneer in production ecology

Capability evaluation(CE) is a key objective measure of resilience as we find it in the context of land use and land management.
CE enables you to confidently establish boundaries of risk in the context of soil water and plant processes. I was priveleged to be part of a great planning service for rural producers and innovators for over 3 decades . I was also privileged recently to address an old Melbourne University group of scientists on the subject of risk management and resilience evaluation. More here

If you want to be part of the important future in resilience planning's future, Bookmark the above sites

1 comment:

journeymanj said...

Friend sent me this link this week. It is a very positive sign that someone is again being challenged to think deeply about agroecosystems and how to make them work well for both nature and man ( thanks Evan who wasn't/isn't an SCA bod!)