Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Great work done well

 Trees are seen by many in 2021  to be the be all end all of conservation. But not so .

Even when this plantation  in Birregurra GCA  was set up , the Soil cons  were thinking of integrating soil water plants and the B pests called rabbits( and kangaroos)  . Result a tree plantation and water management area that added great value to the area . 
Few of the millions of these wonderful allocasuarinas seedlings have grown in Australia in the rush to turn the place into a forest ( a madness when we live in the Savannah) because  not enough attention is still  given to integrated planning .
 The tree guards were made out of wire netting beating all comers who would otherwise give the plants a beating . 
Once a wilderness ,the GCA area is a popular country home for Melbourne commuters and retirees  --  what wonderful windbreaks 

Thursday, June 3, 2021

New Soils site aims to sell the great value of soil science for Australians

New sites that focus on current practical issues

now on google  http://soilsstuff.blogspot.com
now on Google    http://soilsstuff.blogspot.com 
Also on Facebook   @Conservationthatworks 
Also on Facebook @conservationthatworks 

Happy digging     John