Even when this plantation in Birregurra GCA was set up , the Soil cons were thinking of integrating soil water plants and the B pests called rabbits( and kangaroos) . Result a tree plantation and water management area that added great value to the area .
Few of the millions of these wonderful allocasuarinas seedlings have grown in Australia in the rush to turn the place into a forest ( a madness when we live in the Savannah) because not enough attention is still given to integrated planning .
The tree guards were made out of wire netting beating all comers who would otherwise give the plants a beating .
Once a wilderness ,the GCA area is a popular country home for Melbourne commuters and retirees -- what wonderful windbreaks
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NEW July 2023 SCA used to be responsible for protecting Aboriginal Heritage sites . A major controversy has erupted in Western Australia this month in regard to the new procedures now implemented to do that .
As both a statutory planning coordinator and initiator of procedures and recommendations to protect, I will publish my thoughts here or in the meantime on http://soilsstuff.blogspot.com
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